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Fiat Mihi

Fiat Mihi (Fee-aht Mee-Hee): Latin, meaning “Let it be done unto me.”

Luke 1:38 Dixit autem Maria : Ecce ancilla Domini : fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Et discessit ab illa angelus.

Through Mary’s simple “Fiat Mihi”, the Incarnate Word came into the World. I invite you to do the same and say, “Let it be done to me” by wearing one of our beautiful, comfortable, reverent chapel veils.

Handmade Veils for Real Life

When we set out to create our line of chapel veils, we set out to make the perfect everyday veil. It had to be soft, lightweight, comfortable, modest, reverent, and practical. It had to be a chapel veil that you would reach for every single time. We have succeeded.

Our veils are practical, reverent, and as comfortable as your favorite T-shirt.

Our selection of colors and materials is always growing, check in often to see what exciting new things we have to offer!

Saint Statues and Busts

Our selection of hand designed and picked statues and busts. Perfect for your prayer corner, home altar, mantle, or your desk at work!

Our selection of saints is always growing, check in often to see who else has joined the collection.

Byzantine Style Wall Crosses

We are pleased to offer affordable, Byzantine Style Crosses. Made of durable and nearly indestructible, eco-friendly plastic. Our crosses are the perfect addition to any room.


What does that mean? Fiat Mihi is Latin, and it means “let it be done to me.” These two words are the most important words that have ever been spoken by a human. In context, it is from the Gospel of Luke. The Archangel Gabriel, appears to The Virgin Mary and tells her that she is going to give birth to the Messiah. Mary, is at first confused as she has (and will never have) relations with a man. Gabriel explains God’s plan. And instead of arguing, debating, and himm-hawing, Mary does the absolute opposite. She says, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord: let it be done to me according to your word.” (In Latin, Ecce ancilla Domini: fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.)

This complete and total submission, trust, and obedience to the Lord is the reason and motivation behind the creation of Fiat Mihi veils. Our veils are for women who want to completely and totally dedicate their heart, soul, body and mind directly to our Lord and our God. We don’t wear a veil for just humility or modesty. These two are secondary aspects of a greater virtue, which is obedience. Obedience comes from a true complete and total trust of God with our whole heart, mind, body, and soul. When we are obedient to God, we show Him how much we love and trust Him with even the smallest actions in our lives.

We invite you to share in our Catholic spirituality, and our journey of trusting the Lord, by joining with Mary and saying, “Fiat Mihi.”